Sabtu, 28 April 2012

Creation of Solar System

People see the fact that the sun surrounded by planets that orbit planets form close to circular shape and trajectory almost coincide. Directions of the circulation of all the planets are the same that is opposite to the direction of clockwise rotation, if we look at the North Pole. The revolution of planets turns toward similar to the direction of rotation of the sun. More than that, most of the planet's rotation and satellite-satellite is also the same direction. Such direction is also called a negative direction. Direction of motion of celestial bodies in the opposite direction is called a positive direction, such as the circulation direction of the sun, rises from the east, then up, and then sets in the west. Daily circulation as well as stars and moon, if we observe from earth.The fact that, astronomers and physicists use the law for a rotating object to analyze current events in nature. Therefore, could be drawn a conclusion, that the solar system formed from primordial material which rotates like the above, the negative direction. Although in reality, there are deviations from the direction of rotation direction of the public.          

 Several theories about the solar system are as follows :

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Selasa, 24 April 2012


MAHABHAKTI. Hmm ... sounds good , doesn't it? haha . are you kidding? that is what I call WORST NIGHTMARE! but , in other side that's really unforgettable moment for us , including me of course ... bad day sih ... tapi awesome! amazing! walaupun sengsara, banyak juga momen-momen seru yang nggak bakal bisa dilupain ...

Honestly , dari awal aku nggak pernah niat buat ikut kegiatan ini . selain karna aku emang nggak suka pramuka , salah satu tujuanku keluar dari Pondok Pesantren Modern Islam Assalaam Surakarta adalaah biar nggak ikut kemah bantara sama KMD . welaahhh disini malah ada mahabhakti ... dan dari kejadian ini aku pun blajar kalo kita nggak bakal bisa lari dari masalah -__- . Nah , 2 alasan kenapa akhirnya aku bisa ikhlas buat ikut terrible moment ini cuma untuk mencari ridho Allah , dan demi sanggaku ... demi Vina . Vina itu ketua sanggaku , Sintya , Aliv , Rohmah , sama Nisa . beneran deh ... dia itu berjasa banget . Vina kan temenku juga .. masa aku tega bilang benci pramuka di depan dia? dia kan cinta pramuka . hehee . Jadiii aku pingin bikin moment bahagia buat maha bhakti sanggakuuu ... kalo buat aku sih jelas sengsara . tapi liat temen-temen kita bahagia aja pasti juga bikin kita ikut bahagia kaan? yeah , no doubt .

well, let's beginn! tapi sorry ya kalo ga urut alur kegiatannya..

UPACARA . nah , itu salah satu faktor kenapaa aku bisa nggak suka sama pramuka . OMG! berdiri di lapangan di bawah sinar matahari selama berpuluh-puluh menit (1 minute is like i hour) ngedengerin hal-hal yang nggak kita ngerti. siapa yang betah cobaa? tapi ya sudahlah ... sekali seumur hidup ... begitu juga dengan opening ceremony mahabhakti kmaren. lamaaaa banget . the sun keep burning ... the wind stop for coming ... and my heart getting boring ... sangking lamanya , sebait puisi pun berhasil aku ciptakan . hahahaa . And you know whaaat? dzikirku yang harusnya subhanallah wal hamdulillah wa laa ilahaillallah wallahuakbar seketika brubah jadi ya Allah.. mohon belas kasihan.. yah ... tragis memang. dan setelah upacara berahkir, tidak ada yang lebih aku syukuri lagi selain itu ... sampai aku naik ke truk . karna dzikirku pun berubah lagi seperti semula ...