Jumat, 15 Agustus 2014

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Good morning everyone! I appreciate the opportunity to be with you today. In this occasion, I will speak about Motivation as a Basis for Excellence. But before I start my speech, let me ask you a question. By a show of hands, how many of you who want to be a successful person?
All my beloved friends
When we hear about ‘success’ what we think is always being a big person. It mostly like everyone knows us, get paid tens of millions each month, working at foreign companies and other life condition with luxury things. I don’t say that is not success, I just wanna say that success is not always being like that. We don’t have to be a doctor, minister, businessman, and architect for being a successful person. If it was your dream, keep moving forward! But if it was not, don’t worry because everyone has his own success way. The point of being success is when we have become a better person and useful for others.
I guess that most of you thought that being successful person is very difficult. Yes it is. Success is not an easy thing to get. But remember, God said that:

Kamis, 04 Juli 2013

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Ladies and gentleman
Human beings like what we have seen that they were created by God each with different characters. But all of them were not created without any purposes, of course. The differences in the character of each person give us a lesson that not always something which is different cannot unite. The differences make us learn how to socialize, and how we respect each other. Even sometimes that’s precisely has brought the unity of things. The differences in human beings characters also show us that not all of the characters that have been created by God are good. Often we hear about someone who committed a crime such as miser, arrogant, ruthless, and dishonest or maybe for a simpler example such as cheating during exams, saying lie, doing arrogance and many other you can find. The characters mentioned above are called by the bad characters. Those characters should be fixed. So that is why today we often hear a variety of character education efforts, right?
The word Character education is consisting of character and education. Before I try to explain what Character Education is, first we have to know the meaning of that each word. Character is psychological traits, morals and manner in someone who can distinguish one person to others, while education is a process that individuals use to acquire knowledge or insight, also to develop attitudes and skill. So, we can conclude that character education is a conscious effort to instill values, morals, and manners for someone so it can appear in the real life where its purpose is to form an intrinsic value that would be the attitude and behavior of someone. If we study deeply about the meaning of character education we will see that character education is really important for our life.

 In schools, education is given to maximize the skills and cognitive abilities. Without realizing there are other things that are not less important has been overlooked, that is providing character education. Why the character education is important for our life? Since it is balance of affective skills and the cognitive ones. Some of the fact that we often encounter with, a wealthy businessman who is not just a philanthropist, a politician does not even care about the starving neighbor, or a teacher who’s not concerned to see the poor children who do not get the opportunity to learn in school. It is evidence of the lack of balance between the cognitive and character education.

Sabtu, 29 September 2012

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SPEECH TEXT-Personality of Teenager

I believe that all of you already know, what is teenager period and who are people inside. we used to hear that teenager is the most beautiful period, teenager is the most impressive period, teenager is unforgettable period and many more you can find. but, do you really know why people said so? because, in theology teenager period is the transition period between the childhood period and adult period. in this period people start to find who are they self and love to try and find something new. the would find a lot of problems in their ages and will try to learn and solve the problem. Therefore, Father of Psychology, Stanley Hall said that teenager period is 'storm and stress time'.

Generally, people in this period have the same character. as like what we have discussed before, they have many wish and always want to try doing something new, because self confidence starts to grow. they also full of energy. That is why they look like so aggressive to what they want. The want to show their existence by doing anything that make other people maybe care of them. Teenager behavior is influenced by their idols.

Now days, we see some of teenager achieve many accomplishments. in the other side we also see some of teenager fall into negative things. They become robber, beggar, drug user, and many more. All these happen because they live in different environment. Teenagers who live in positive environment will behave positively while teenager who live in negative environment will have negative behavior. For example a boy who lives in uncontrolled environment, he will do something bad like smoking, drug using and so on. that is why people need education in this period to help them live to be smart and productive. good education also help them to grow become religious character and excellent.

On February19th 2012 KOMPAS newspaper report a shocking news. A child who is 13 killed his friend. Based on information from police and parties who are associated in this case, 'Bob' initial of the suspect stole his friend's phone, (call him jack) before. he sold the phone and gave the proceeds to two his friends. but one of them felt that Bob was unfair when divide the money. so he told Jack that Bob stole his phone. when Jack asked Bob to gave his phone back, Bob killed him. Astaghfirullah.. This news gives us sufficient information about teenager society today. And this is not the only one.

Then, how to fix this? how to prevent this?

  1. Give Children basic moral and religious.
  2. Supervise the teenager when they watching TV

Jumat, 14 September 2012

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Reduce Plastic for Earth! (Analytical text)

We can see that people today cannot live without plastic. Only a few people are starting to reduce the use of plastic. Plastic is surely a practical tool, cheap and easy to find. That is why most of people are prefer to use plastic than biodegradable tool. But that advantage does not mean that it is safe and good to be use, especially for earth. And here I’m gonna tell you some reason why people should reduce the use of plastic:

Firstly, using plastic excessively will create excessive plastic as well in fact plastic is not biodegradable tool because it doesn’t come from organic compound. Therefore, that will make plastic accumulate and pollute earth.

Secondly, plastic made from natural resources which cannot be recycled. They are nature gas and raw coal. So the using of more plastic will make our resources be finished soon.

Thirdly, plastic takes hundreds of years to be decomposed. When it piled up on the ground it can damage the water cycle. Consequently, the water cannot be absorbed although there are a lot of trees there.

Based on those reasons, we can conclude that plastic is very danger for earth and the reason of why people should reduce the use of plastic. Remember,  Earth’s life is ours too!

Sabtu, 16 Juni 2012

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Tidak ada satupun aspek kehidupan yang bisa luput dari adanya tata tertib, karena tata tertib memiliki peran yang sangat penting dalam menjalani kehidupan. Seperti dalam sekolah-sekolah, tata tertib sangat dibutuhkan untuk menciptakan adanya kedisiplinan dan keteraturan dalam sekolah. Dalam kehidupan persekolahan, keteraturan ini dapat berupa penggunaan dan pemeliharaan sarana prasarana sekolah, penggunaan waktu belajar mengajar, pergaulan dalam lingkungan sekolah, pengelolaan administrasi, serta mengatur hubungan dengan masyarakat lingkungannya.

Jumat, 01 Juni 2012

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Ada 3 prinsip untuk mencegah dan menanggulangi pencemaran lingkungan, yaitu Administratif, Teknologi, dan Edukatif   :
  1.  Administratif

Dengan membuat peraturan-peraturan/undang-undang. Beberapa peraturannya yaitu  :
  • Pabrik tidak boleh menghasilkan produk yang dapat mencemari lingkungan
  • Industri harus memiliki unit-unit pengelolahan limbah
  • Pembuangan sampah dari pabrik harus dilakukan di tempat yang jauh dari permukiman
  • Sebelum membangun pabrik/proyek-proyek industri, harus melakukan analisis tentang dampak lingkungan
  • Pemerintah mengeluarkan baku mutu lingkungan, yaitu standar untuk menentukan mutu suatu lingkungan
      2.  Teknologi

Dengan diadakan unit-unit pengolah limbah & sampah. ada juga Insenerator (di Surabaya) adalah tempat  pembakaran akhir sampah dengan suhu yang sangat tinggi, sehingga tidak membuang asap.

      3.  Edukatif

Dilakukan melalui jalur pendidikan baik formal maupun nonformal.
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Hutan merupakan sumber daya alam yang dapat di perbarui. Pengawetan hutan bertujuan untuk mencegah erosi, menjaga keseimbangan air (antara musim hujan & kemarau), serta menjaga kelestarian hewan & tumbuhan yang hidup di sana.